Best Wood Fire Pizza in Picton

I found some of the best wood fired pizza in Prince Edward County! I’ve tried many different types and I feel I can help guide you through my experience.

Quick Wood Fire Pizza Checklist
Restrictions – Basically you will need a mask on until you are seated. I would suggest taking a look at my post about visiting wineries and breweries during the Covid 19 Restrictions for more details.
Note: Most of these COVID restrictions do NOT apply anymore as of April 2022.
Make a reservation – As a dine-in option, many of the places that offer wood-fired pizza are often quite busy in PEC through the summer months.
Call Ahead – Make sure they have room for you if you are planning on pairing your pizza with wine or beer. Take-out orders are fast and easy when you call ahead.
Mix things up – Prepare to try new things. Try different pairing opportunities. Try a new wine type or pizza to see what happens.
No Cash – Pay with plastic, debit, or credit card. It’s faster with “Tap” and more hygienic. Some places will take cash but plan on plastic.
Costs -The average cost for wood fire pizza in PEC should be under $20 – But this will depend on the selection.
Takeout – Almost all locations
Where to Find Wood Fire Pizza
Norman Hardie Winery Wood Fire Pizza
Walk-ins Welcomed – No Reservations Required unless groups of 8 or more!
Located: 1152 Greer Rd, Wellington, ON K0K 3L0 – phone: +16133995297
My very first wood-fire pizza experience and we keep going back for a reason.
Located in Wellington Prince Edward Country, this winery and estate vineyard is approximately a 35 min drive from Picton, 5 min drive from Wellington, a 2-hour drive from Toronto, and about 4-5 hours from Ottawa, Montreal.
We had lunch on the patio later in the summer when it wasn’t so busy. Normally this popular winery has lots of activity buzzing around all summer long with Bridal wine tours to children playing outdoor activities.
They have an outside tasting bar and pizza oven going daily from 11 – 6 pm. Lots of seating outside too but the wait times can be lengthy through the summer months, especially on the weekends.
Many people consider this to be a main Prince Edward County pizza winery although there is much focus on the wine.
Each of the pizza recipes have been developed by top chefs from popular Toronto restaurants.
We gave the Pizza two thumb’s up!

TerraCello Winery Pizza Outside Picton
Walk-ins Welcomed – No Reservations Required unless groups of 8 or more!
Located 2436 Prince Edward County Rd 1, Bloomfield, ON K0K 1G0
TerraCello Wood fire pizza was the most talked about in Picton so we had to go try it for ourselves…glad we did.
What makes this pizza stand out?
Authentic Italian Pizza recipes that are made with ingredients imported from Italy!
Anthony Auciello the head winemaker and owner told us that the dough is made fresh at 4 am everyday.
Anthony uses his Neapolitan heritage to develop the different types of authentic Italian pizza and it’s noticeable.

555 Brewery Wood Fire Pizza in Picton
Walk-ins Welcomed – No Reservations Required unless groups of 8 or more!
Located 124 Picton Main St, Picton – Patio is on the main street.
A very popular Brewery in Picton that offers wood-fired pizza!
There is a section of the Patio out front that is “Pet Friendly” and every pet I’ve said hello to there was very friendly, no growlers, just “Beer” growlers.
Many different types of pizza to choose from and the prices vary depending on what to order.
I like the fact that they offer basic pizzas that include (#2. TOMATO SAUCE + MUSHROOM + PEPPERONI + BACON + MOZZARELLA) or the Hawaiian Pizza ( #3. TOMATO SAUCE + HAM + PINEAPPLE + MOZZARELLA).
They offer a walk-out special at two pizzas for $25.

Huffs Estate Wood Fire Pizza Outside Picton
Walk-ins Welcomed – No Reservations Required!
Located at 2274 Prince Edward County Rd 1, Bloomfield, ON
One of the most well-known wineries in the county and they offer wood fire pizza.
A quaint little outdoor patio with a very upscale comfortable feel.
Service is usually fast and friendly when not overwhelmed as it’s a popular place through the summer.

Midtown Brewing Wood Fire Pizza Wellington
Walk-ins Welcomed – No Reservations Required!
Located 266 Wellington Main St, Wellington, ON
Small patio out front with a large open concept inside.
One of our favorite breweries to eat at because there is a selection of food on the menu besides just Pizza.
If I go for the pizza I always order the American (pepperoni) pizza, which has a great crust and has that cooked-in-a-wood-fired oven taste.

Three Dog Winery Wood Fire Pizza Outside Picton
Walk-ins Are Welcomed – No Reservations Required!

Located 1920 Fish Lake Rd, Picton, ON
Three Dog Winery has a delicious wood-fired pizza that you can smell as soon as you arrive in the parking lot.
This winery is one of the favorites in Prince Edward County which makes it worth the short drive outside of Picton to Fish Lake.
For those who enjoy self-guided wine touring, you should add this to your list of PEC wineries to check out.
There is lots of seating outside and the service is fast.
See how the Three Dog Winery Pizza is made in this video below.
Black Prince Winery Wood-Fired Pizza in Picton
Walk-ins are Welcomed – No Reservations Required!
Located at 13370 Loyalist Pkwy, Picton, ON
Patios & Picnic Tables overlooking the vines are nice while eating your pizza.
Pizza is served from 12 pm – 6 pm Monday-Thursday and 12 pm – 8 pm Every Friday and Saturday in July & August Two Can Dine With Wine $ 29.99 – Nice.
I’d recommend that you pair the Baco Noir Reserve with Wood-Fired Pizza on the back deck.
This pizza is more expensive than most wood-fired pizzas out there at over $20 each.